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How Are Your Succulents Doing? Winter Care
Did you bring in your beautiful succulent planter in hopes of keeping it alive in order to enjoy it again next summer? It’s been a few months since the warm days of summer. Sadly, spring is still many days into the future and we still can expect cold days, winter storms before we work outside in our gardens. This article is a brief summary of tips in order to check and care for your succulents to make sure some or all of them survive these long cold and dark winter months. Many of you have brought your succulent plants indoors in...
Is your yard ready for winter? Here are 4 easy tips!
Fall has definitely arrived. This year snow has already fallen, and melted. So….. before the snow comes again, now is the time to get outside and determine what to do to get your yard ready for winter, and ready for spring. Start by walking around the yard to determine what needs to be put away and tidied. If you have not already cleaned up your plant containers, make sure that they are emptied or at least turned upside down in order to prevent frost from breaking your pots. Trust me, this happens. I have learned the hard way. Walk around a few...
How to Plant Tall Tomato
You have perhaps seen these plants at the garden center, or in your own windowsill. Those tall lanky tomatoes plants that germinate and overnight seem to have grown more than a foot tall? Frequently asked questions about these tall tomatoes follow this line of inquiry: How do I plant them? Do I stake them, or plant them very deep? Are these tall lanky plants still worth planting? It has been our experience and based on our research and the confirmation of gardeners in this area they are definitely worth planting, and will provide you with desirable, tasty produce. We have...
Behind the Scenes @ Marvins Gardens Part II
Behind the Scenes @ Marvins Gardens Part II THE PROCESS: Seeding to Germinating, and Developing a strong plant with good roots. A lot of these activities happen in sequence but as I indicated in an earlier post all plants require varying lengths of growth before they are saleable. Many plants are seeded several weeks in succession, in order to provide some varieties for the early gardener and also those gardeners who need plant products later in the season. I will not bore you with all the details, but I thought you may enjoy some short videos of the process. Here’s the...
Behind the Scenes @ Marvins Gardens Part I
During the years we have been in the greenhouse business, many of our interested friends have asked questions about the activities during the “off sale” season. Some of the questions are similar in nature and have a common theme. The most frequent question relates to how and when do we really get busy? Well, long story short…. its been busy for quite sometime already and it never seems to stop. We have many projects, which include maintenance and building and repairs, general clean-up activities which are ongoing, keep us busy in especially late summer, fall and early winter. During this time we also review the...