Is your yard ready for winter? Here are 4 easy tips!
Fall has definitely arrived. This year snow has already fallen, and melted. So….. before the snow comes again, now is the time to get outside and determine what to do to get your yard ready for winter, and ready for spring.
- Start by walking around the yard to determine what needs to be put away and tidied. If you have not already cleaned up your plant containers, make sure that they are emptied or at least turned upside down in order to prevent frost from breaking your pots. Trust me, this happens. I have learned the hard way. Walk around a few times.
- Don’t put away your hoses just quite yet! Make sure your perennials and trees have a really good drink before the heavy frost arrives. The roots of trees are still growing even though the leaves are gone. The perennials and small shrubs require that their root systems are filled with moisture in order to survive the winter months. In early spring they need that moisture when the snow melts and sun begins to warm the soil.
- Determine which perennials need to be cut back. Although it looks a bit messy, most perennials benefit from keeping the top foliage about ground over winter. They still absorb the light and moisture which helps prepare for the dormant winter months. However, these should be cleaned up in spring in order to prevent fungus and mildew problems around the base of the plant.
- Leave your leaves.…. Don’t throw them away! Mulch them, chop them up with your lawn mower and spread them over your perennials. By keeping them on the yard you are sealing in the moisture in the soil, providing insulation from frost and providing nutrients for your plants.
That’s it! Make some hot chocolate and enjoy!